On March 14-18, Adam Marcus joined Assistant Professor Jessica Rossi-Mastracci at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture to lead a week-long workshop with graduate architecture students as part of the annual Architecture As Catalyst program. Organized by Associate Professor Malini Srivastava, this year’s program, “Materiality: Before, During After” emphasized non-extractive materials as a basis for rethinking fabrication and construction practices. The workshop, titled “Earthen Tectonics,” melded digital and analog modes of fabrication, exploring the potential for integrating custom CNC carved form liners into traditional rammed earth construction. The students tested various mixes and techniques for fabricating modular earthen components, experimenting with material qualities, surface geometries, and water flows.
While at the school, Adam also delivered a public lecture on his work. At the end of the week, the workshop output was exhibited in a public exhibition and conversation in the courtyard of Rapson Hall.